Zip Codes

The Zip Codes tool enables users to manage zip codes and their associated information in the look up table which is used to populate the city, county and state on the Customer Information screen.


  • Click the Zip Codes link from the menu on the left of the TBS Administration screen


To search for a zip code to manage, enter 1 to 5 digits into the textbox to the right of Zip Code (Starts With)

Press Enter

Note: When adding a new Zip Code, it

Zip Code – appears in the Zip Code text box on the Customer Information screen

City – the city that is associated with this zip code

County – the county that is associated with this zip code

State – the state that is associated with this zip code

Country – the country that is associated with this zip code

PCode – postal code associated with this zip code

UserAdded – if checked, this record was entered by the user

UPSCITY – the city associated with this zip code

CNTYFIPS – internal use

CNTYDEF – internal use

DEFAULT – designates the default zip code entry if more than one entry exists for the same zip code

GEOCODE – internal use

INOUTCITY – determines city jurisdiction and can impact taxing

UNIQUEID - internal use